Pieces Of Me | Page 24

PIECES OF ME - JULY 2020 22 .
SOPHIE C ’ mon , dad .
ELI We have a situation .
She turns and sees the reporter gripping Eli ’ s other wrist - it ’ s a human game of tug of war .
REPORTER Please ! I need this story . Tell us why you did it !
SOPHIE Let my father go , you monster .
REPORTER Are you happy with the outcome ?
ELI Leave me alone .
REPORTER Show us your face goddammit !
ELI Fine ! You win ! I hope the ratings are worth invading my fucking privacy .
He turns to the reporter ... revealing all .
REPORTER Jesus Christ .
( to the cameraman ) Stop recording ! Stop recording ! We can ’ t air this .
Neighbors look away in disgust and a few children scream at the sight ... and now it ’ s our turn :
The lower half of Eli ’ s face looks like MELTED TAFFY that puckers into an asshole with some hair ; his nose and mouth are indistinguishable . There ’ s also a shit ton of scarring . This isn ’ t a face a mother could love .
ELI There ! I hope it was worth it ! Fucking vultures . All of you !
He pushes the reporter onto the ground and slams the door in his face .