Pieces Of Me | Page 21

PIECES OF ME - JULY 2020 19 .
DR . MORRIS What about now ?
A speck of light penetrates through the gauze . The size of a pin hole .
ELI Yes ... I see a little light .
DR . MORRIS Is it too much ?
ELI No . It ’ s fine .
Good .
He unravels more . Another wad makes a wet thud in the trash . The pile grows . We can see more light ... even the outline of Dr . Morris .
ELI I can see ... you .
DR . MORRIS Good . We can take a break , if you need a minute .
ELI No . I need to know .
DR . MORRIS Very well .
He waves to the nurse . She enters with a MIRROR and stands beside him .
Morris unravels the remaining gauze and drops it in the garbage . It lands on top of a gore-soaked mountain .
No response .
ELI ( V . O .) How bad is it ?
Morris and the nurse share a look , while Sophie weeps in the background .
ELI ( V . O .) Give me the mirror , dammit--