Pieces Of Me | Page 55

PIECES OF ME - JULY 2020 53 .
A mostly empty room . Only a handful of seats are filled . Don ’ t worry we ’ ll meet these fine folks soon enough .
MARY BAKER , late 30s , stands at the head of the class . She ’ s a beautiful redhead with porcelain skin . Her smile is comforting like a warm blanket .
MARY Hello there . Can I help you ?
ELI ( awkward )
Um . Hi . I ’ m here for the meeting .
MARY Well , welcome . I ’ m Mary . Would you like to introduce yourself ?
Eli takes in his peers ... each more fucked up than the last : - LENNY , 50s , has a thick scar across his caramel neck . - STEPHANIE , 20s , heavily burned , blows bubble gum . POP ! - CARLOS , 30s , rolls his eyes from his wheelchair . - BLAKE , 16 , emaciated ... a living skeleton .
A tense beat , then :
CARLOS What ’ s your story man ?
MARY Let him take his time , Carlos . We ’ re not all as gregarious as you .
ELI ( timid )
Hi ... I ’ m Dr . Eli Mento .
BLAKE The psychologist ?
Yes .
BLAKE Oh cool ! It ’ s me , Blake . My parents sent me to you for my anorexia .