Pieces Of Me | Page 39

PIECES OF ME - JULY 2020 37 .
MAGGIE ( CONT ' D ) You still had years - there ’ s no fast pass to heaven . Now , we ’ ll never be together , so you need to MOVE ON .
ELI I ... I don ’ t think I can .
MAGGIE You have to .
She wilts before our eyes - her complexion turns sallow and hair falls out ... filling the tub .
ELI Maggie , no !
It doesn ’ t stop . Skin and flesh melt off her bones , like tender meat , until Maggie ’ s no more than a levitating skeleton . She shrieks :
Eli snaps out of it . He ’ s back in the tub and disfigured AF . He shuts the water off .
Drip .
Drip .
Drip .
The water ripples , as the final drops escape the faucet . SMASH CUT TO :
More dripping , but this time from a drenched Eli . He holds the urn over the trash , wearing only a towel . He takes a deep breath and drops Maggie into the garbage with a CRASH .
A beat , then ...
SOPHIE ( O . S .) Everything alright ?
She stands in the doorway - her eyes fixated on her father ’ s bare chest ; scars and stitches turn his frame into patchwork .