~~ LisaP .
3MessageFrom LisaP .
4 BurbrookCavaliers
6 Aidan
8 Lisa , Steve & Caitlyn
12 Diane
14 MayPromotions
16 MayDesktopImage
Surprise ! Yes , it ’ snottheendofthemonthandhereismy Newsleter ! haha :)
I ’ m stilplayingcatchupwithsharingclientimagesfrom thepast fewmonths , soifyouhaven ’ tseenyoursfeaturedyet , itwilbe comingsoon .( Andifyouhavebeenexpectingtoseeyour photosandthinkImighthavemissedit , justdropmeaquick emailandletmeknow .)
Aprilwasbusywithclientmeetings , avendorshow , some businessandpersonalshooting , getingthingsreadyformy Accountant , aswelasanunexpectedtripouttoBCformy Mom ’ ssurprise65thbirthdayparty .
MakesuretoreadaboutthetwopromotionsforMayonpage12 . OneendsonSaturday , May11th !
AndcongratulationstoSharonBatesandherteam forraising over $ 15,000attheEastGwilimburyWomen ’ sShowinAprilfor SouthlakeHospital . Thatisamazing ! Andcongratulationsalso toLisaCharlton , whowonthe $ 1000makeovergrandprize . I can ’ twaittophotographher .:)
Pleasenote : AlimagesandcontentarecopyrightLisaPielusch , PictureYour LifePhotography , unlessotherwisenoted . Pleasedonotcopywithout permission . Ifyouwouldliketouseanimageyouseefeaturedhere , please contactme .
Ifyouareviewingfrom amobiledevice , youshouldnowbeable todownloadapdfversionthatmaybeabiteasiertoread .
~~ LisaP .
Special note: It seems like pages 4 and 5 (the puppies) are sometimes not showing up for people. I haven't been able to figure out what the cause of this is, as most can see the pages in the thumbnails, but it shows up as blank on the larger pages. Also, if you download the PDF version, it is viewable there.