Picture Your Life Photography - News & Tidbits May. 2012 | Page 2

It's the end of May already. The start of the busy summer schedule is almost upon us. I know Ben can't wait until school is out for the summer. Me, on the other hand, could use more time before that happens. It's not that I don't enjoy spending more time with him......it's just that it's a bit more difficult to get work done with him at home every day. Fortunately, that kid does like to sleep in, so I should be able to get a few productive hours of work in before he wakes up in the mornings. :)

I finally had someone book a '~SMILE! It's Your Birthday!' session with me again. You'll see some photos of Makalya in this issue. What a sweetheart she is. And she looked like a little princess.

I also had the opportunity to do some more Professional Headshot sessions over the past little while. I'm featuring one with Tina this time. I loved working with Tina. She's such a wonderful person.

My ad for sessions in Beautiful British Columbia is out now. I'm hoping to book a few sessions while I'm out there in July. If you know someone in the Surrey/Vancouver area who might be interested, please have them get in touch with me for more details.

And lastly, I've included some photos from our Algonquin Park photo trip. I love going on photo trips with friends.

As always.....thanks for reading! :)

-- Lisa P.

PS: You've probably noticed the pop out at the right side. The service I use for this newsletter has added a 'recommended/related' tab. Unfortunately I'm not able to control what shows up there, so I do apologize if there ends up being any questionable content from other users of the service being displayed. If you click on the word 'recommended/related', the menu will slide off to the right.

2 May 2012

Message from Lisa P.

Photo courtesty of Ben Piellusch (taken on a class field trip)