Picture Your Life Photography - News & Tidbits June. 2012 | Page 2

It's officially summer. So hard to believe. Ben will be done school for the summer on Thursday. AHHHHHHHHHHHHH OK....I'm sure it won't be that bad. ;) We have quite a busy summer planned, and we're all looking forward to it.

May was a fun month. Along with Ben having a crazy sports schedule, meeting some new clients and networking with other small business owners, I got to photograph kids, a newborn, business people and go on a field trip with Ben's class.

This issue includes some of the photos I took in May.

June has been a bit busy as well. There's so much to get done before Ben and I go away in July. Looking forward to sharing photos from June in my July Newsletter.

If anyone out there is interested in booking a portrait session while I'm in Surrey/Vancouver area, please let me know.

I'm also looking forward to once again taking photographs for the Help The Kids Play ball tournament July 6th through 8th. I've also just confirmed that I'll be the official Photographer for the Tottenham Minor Softball league again this year. *YAY!*

I hope you're all getting ready for the summer. I think I'm really looking forward to it this year. :)

As always.....thanks for reading! I really appreciate the comments, etc. that you leave on my blog and facebook page.

-- Lisa P.

PS: You've probably noticed the pop out at the right side. The service I use for this newsletter has added a 'recommended/related' tab. Unfortunately I'm not able to control what shows up there, but if you click on the word 'recommended/related', the menu will slide off to the right. There was initially some questionable content showing up, but after I brought it to their attention, they quickly fixed it so that wouldn't happen in the future.

2 June 2012

Message from Lisa P.

My first 'self portrait' with my new phone.