Picture Your Life Photography - News & Tidbits Feb. 2012 | Page 2

I'm a bit disappointment with myself that it's already February 27th and I'm just writing this now. I always have big hopes that I'm going to get my Newsletter out in the first part of the month. I swear, it WILL happen!!

One thing I sometimes struggle with in running my own business is expressing the awesome ideas I have in my head, in a tangible way that makes sense to others. Part of the reason is because I'm still sorting out what I want the road of my journey down the path of Photography to look like. Part of the reason is confidence in my abilities (technical, creative, business, etc.), even though I do know that I am quite capable in many of those areas (I wouldn't have considered making the jump if I wasn't). Working mostly alone, it's so easy to get my head in an unorganized space.

A recent online workshop I watched put everything back into perspective for me and reminded me why I made the decision to leave the 'safety and security' of the Corporate world and take the risk to own and run my own business.

Being someone who has never worked '9 to 5', I knew that it wasn't 'balance' that I was looking for when I made this change over 1 1/2 years ago. What I wanted was better quality of the time I did have, whether that be with family or working with clients. Quality means different things to different people. For me, that means working hard at something I really enjoy and being successful, working with awesome people, being there for my family when they need me and being able to somehow help those who may need a bit of help. There's more to it, but space is limited here. ;) Some people may call that 'balance', but I really don't see myself as 'balanced'. What I do see is a life that is much more meaningful to me and one that I am thankful for every single day I am able to live it.

The instructor, well known Child Photographer Sandy Puc, shared many quotes during the workshop. Here is one that really stood out to me.

"What you do today is important because you are exchanging a day of your life for it."

Time has always been an important resource to me. For me, when it comes to business, that means to make sure that I'm always producing high quality work that is valued by my amazing clients so that my business will continue to grow. That translates to being able to able to spend the quality time with my loved ones that I want to. That was one of the main reasons I made the changes in my life that I did. What you do has to be worth it, otherwise, why expend the time and energy, sacrificing so much?

As always.....thanks for reading! :)

-- Lisa P.

2 February 2012

Message from Lisa P.