While the subjects of
Carol’s photographs
may be as simple as
sidewalks and chairs,
her compositions draw
viewers’ attention to
the geometric shapes,
patterns, and colors
created by even the
simplest physical forms.
or Carol, expressing herself
through photography is a
window into her own personal
and soon she found herself in
Mexico on a trip to explore her
photography. “When I returned,
my friend told me that I had
found my voice and that I should
With thirty years of experience in
share what I see and how I see it
the LA fashion industry, Carol is
with the world. It was then that
highly respected and well-known for she told me about PicsArt.”
her keen eye and sense of style. But a
few years ago, with all the effort and Today, Carol is challenging herself
focus on her professional interests,
creatively through a new visual
she felt that her personal pursuits
medium that she shares with a
had plateaued. She recalls feeling
supportive community of likeas though her spirit had somehow
minded individuals from all over
broken, her confidence lost for the
the world. The value of feedback
first time in her life. She felt scared. and finding a community that so
She felt tired.
vibrantly engages with her work
is not lost on her. As she so aptly
It wasn’t long before a friend nudged puts it, “I discovered a hobby for the
Carol to start going for walks to find first time in my life at the age of 50.
a release. One photo led to another I am awake.”