In the interest of making our contests
more fair, we are announcing new
rules to ensure that users compete on a
level playing field. To start, the periods
of submission and voting will now be
separate. During submission, users can still
see the entries of their peers, but voting
will only take place once submission closes.
Entries will be displayed in random order
to ensure fair treatment for all of our users.
Users can request clarification and adjust
submissions that don’t comply with contest
rules, but once voting begins, no more
entries will be accepted. The duration of
contests has also been extended, giving
users ample time to perfect their entries
and vote for their favorite submissions
during each respective period.
What are Contests About?
PicsArt contests are a great way to
improve your skills, have fun, and scoop
up new followers. Enter different contests
to test and try different skillsets, whether
it’s photography, image-editing, drawing or
graphic design. Contestants are featured
regularly on the Daily Journal in special
galleries and articles. Even if you don’t win,
you can still get featured by sharing a cool
pictorial or a time lapse video tutorial on
how you created your entry. You can also
create something so unique that it gets
featured at a later time.
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