For years I tried to photograph the Preservation
Hall Jazz Band in New Orleans, Louisiana. On
each attempt I was thrown out of the dingy
little club. Finally I figured out a strategy and
surreptitiously shot two or three rolls of
“pushed” film. I had the lab carefully process
the precious rolls in two different batches to be
safe. The technician accidentally cut every frame
in half from the first batch and ruined it. Oops.
The next day, I was so anxious as I opened the
last box of slides. Fortunately several frames in
the second batch were usable.
Note: If at first you don’t succeed try and try
Periodically you have to try out new assistants,
but I made the mistake of giving an untested
neophyte a chance on an ad agency job. I had
been trying to get work from this agency for a
long time. I told him exactly what equipment to
pack and where to find the film. When we got to
the job I asked for 2-¼” black/white. Of course
that was the one type he had not brought. O0ps.
I spent all weekend tracking down a lab that
would process the color film and reverse it to
make it look like black/white contact sheets. (It’s
a lot more complicated than it sounds and it cost
a fortune to save face and make the art director
think I knew what I was doing). Ever since we
have vetted anyone new as a second or third
assistant first.
Note: Never trust green assistants
PicsArt Monthly |15