Every art community has it’s rockstars, and ours is no different. Meet Kikaban, username @
Kookiegreen, a PicsArtist that has a knack for splendor. Her photos are rife with what can best
be called energy, the life and colors within them bursting so that they can barely be contained
within their rectangular frames. Her photos span beautiful seaside vistas, candid street portraits,
and special instances that make daily life so rich. She also has a flexible style in her choices of
color, effects, and general composition. Essentially speaking, Kikabana churns out masterful
photography on a regular basis.
Lou Jones is a Boston-based
photographer with more than 43
years of professional experience.
His award-winning work has
been exhibited in museums and
collections around the world, and he
has published multiple books of and
about photography.
Lou has served on the boards of
directors of numerous photographic
associations, societies, and
He helped found the school Center
for Digital Imaging Arts of Boston
University and conceived the
prestigious Griffin Museum's annual
Focus Awards.
In addition, Jones lectures and
teaches workshops all over the