In the Footsteps
of Anonymous
Street Artists
Urban art marches to a different beat
than its more classical counterparts,
but in the museum of the streets,
photographers are always welcome.
Street art makes any stroll through
a city more colorful and full of
surprises. Like all photographers,
PicsArtists relish the opportunity to
snap their shutters on a masterpiece
sprayed over what would otherwise
have been a blank garage door or
stark brick wall.
The other particular pleasure of
urban art is that it is always the
expression of local outlaws or true
adventurers from abroad who have
scouted a particular location upon
which to unleash their artistic whims.
The location is the canvas, and each
one is selected by the artist him or
herself. When you stumble across a
piece of street art, you are walking
in the tracks of the faceless outlaw
whose trail has since gone cold and
disappeared back into the anonymity
of the crowds.
The photos here chronicle some of
the most stunning shots that artists in
the PicsArt community have captured
of street art. This gallery celebrates
these photographers who have
documented street art before it, like
its creators, disappeared back into
the obscurity from which it came.
17|PicsArt Monthly