PicsArt Monthly March Issue 2014 | Page 78

The additional little things It’s easy to forget the little things when you’re concentrating on taking the right lenses and whatnot, but on a trip like this you don’t want to leave all your memory cards at home and find that you’re stuck with one compact flash that’s full after the first day. Take all your formatted memory cards, all your batteries, fully charged, as well as your charger and any filters you might need. @manujumpen The other stuff might sound simple, but it’s easy to forget: Binoculars, a hat with a peak, sunglasses, sunscreen, any medications you might need, a copy of your itinerary and a little paper pad to make notes on your photographic journey. A head lamp will also help you on those early mornings when you get up before the sun. Most important of all though, of course, is a keen sense of adventure! 78 | PicsArt Monthly