PicsArt Monthly March Issue 2014 | Page 73

What is your favorite part about being a photographer? I love the freedom of being a photographer. I used to work a corporate job, and hated having to work a traditional 40-hour work-week, from 9-5. Even though I have a lot less financial security and no health care (only for emergencies) working as a photographer- I love how I can wake up whenever I want to, write about whatever I want on my blog, and let my natural curiosity and passion lead my day. I also love the traveling I am able to do through teaching my street photography workshops. I love building connections with other street photographers from halfway across the globe. One thing I am trying to do constantly is build a sense of community, bringing likeminded and equally passionate photographers together. Is there a subject that you would love to photograph in the future that you have not already? One subject I would like to document more of is luxury and materialism. I know a lot of work on the subject has already been done (primarily by Martin Parr), but it is still a personal subject that I find fascinating (and revolting) and want to explore photographically. PicsArt Monthly | 73