PicsArt Monthly March Issue 2014 | Page 70

What do you look for when you head off into the streets of a city with your camera? Is there a theme to the kind of things you notice? I generally have two approaches- depending on where I am shooting. I love being a "flaneur" in the streets- just someone who walks around, wanders, and takes random photos of things I see. This side of me is the one that hates having a plan and having to shoot with something in mind. I generally do this when I am traveling to foreign countries, and I have no particular projects in mind. I have been contributing these images to my "Colors" series. However one of the big projects I am currently working on is called "Suits"- in which I essentially take photos of working men in suits and ties. For this project, I specifically go to financial centers where I will see a lot of "Suits." So generally when I am in New York, London, Tokyo, or San Francsico- I shoot my "Suits" project. 70 | PicsArt Monthly