PicsArt Monthly March Issue 2014 | Page 67

You are a street photographer. What is it about street photography that has such a strong appeal to you? What I love most about street photography is the opportunity to connect with other human beings, and to simply get out of the house. As much as I enjoy making interesting photos- I value the human connections I make when out taking photos even more. When out shooting street photography, I have met so many incredible people. Street photography gives me the opportunity and the permission to open doors to strangers I would generally never have the chance to communicate or interact with. Not only that, I love the sense of support and love from the street photography community. I think it takes a special type of individual (humanistic) who is interested in street photography. I think you also have to generally like people. So if you take a bunch of people who are interested in street photography and bring them together- it generally creates a very supportive and intimate group. The friends I have made through street photography are what I value the most. PicsArt Monthly | 67