PicsArt Monthly March Issue 2014 | Page 65

An Interview With International Street Photographer Eric Kim Eric Kim is a street photographer who has had his work exhibited in Los Angeles and at Leica (the German camera company) stores in Singapore, Seoul, and Melbourne. He was a judge for the London Street Photography Contest of 2011, and has done two collaborations with Samsung, starring in a Samsung Galaxy Note 2 commercial as well as a campaign for the Samsung NX 20 camera. He travels the world to shoot his street photography, and also to teach others about his artform. He has taught a photography class to under-privileged youth in Los Angeles, as well as a university-level online course at UC Riverside extension. He has also taught street photography workshops in Beirut, Seoul, Tokyo, Amsterdam, Berlin, Hong Kong, San Francisco, Los Angeles, Chicago, Sydney, Melbourne, Zurich, London, Toronto, Mumbai, Singapore, Kuala Lumpur, and Kota Kinabalu (with more to come). We interviewed Eric to ask him about his work and insights on photography. To find out more about Eric Kim, follow his blog. PicsArt Monthly | 65