PicsArt Monthly March Issue 2014 | Page 45

Jackie Mahoney, PicsArt’s Cubist Painter Jackie Mahoney (@jackmack830) is a PicsArt user who seems to be touched by the ghosts of great painters of the past. There’s some Picasso, or perhaps even a touch of Georges Braque, in Jackie’s paintings, created using PicsArt Drawing Tools. Maybe it’s the wine, cheese, and cobblestone roads in these paintings that bring us to the painter’s paradise of classic France, but his stripping down of details in favor of a more geometric reinvisioning of color and shape is what really brings down the hammer and nails him to the visionary cubist movement of the early 20th century. No matter Jackie’s inspiration, it is clear that he knows how to paint beautifully, using the modern customizable PicsArt brushes to create something that looks classic. His colors were not mixed from plastic tubes squeezed out on a piece of wood, but rather summoned by his fingertips on a touch screen, then applied with precision and care in his PicsArt workspace. No mess, no stains, no canvas - just PicsArt, the art studio in his pocket that lets him explore and practice his love of painting whenever the call of inspiration strikes, or a ghost painter from an earlier century taps him on his shoulder with an idea. PicsArt Monthly | 45