PicsArt Monthly March Issue 2014 | Page 36

Creating Fashion Sketches with PicsArt Drawing Tools Step by Step Tutorial With PicsArt Drawing Tools, users have full control over their paintings and can use precision and versatility to take on any kind of drawing project. Fashion may be a world of fabric and stitches, but every piece of clothing starts out as a page before a needle is ever threaded. PicsArt Drawing Tools provide the perfect canvas to try out your fashion ideas. This step by step tutorial shows you how to create a realistic fashion sketch using PicsArt Drawing Tools, so that you can create vivid drawings that bring your fabric fantasies to life! Walk through this guide to acquaint yourself with the inner workings of PicsArt Drawing Tools and get the drawing aspects of your fashion planning down to a needle point. Leave the sewing to someone else, PicsArt Drawing Tools are your very own fashion design laboratory! 36 | PicsArt Monthly