PicsArt Monthly March Issue 2014 | Page 15

Window Reflection Photography We’ve all caught ourselves entranced by a window reflection at some point or another. You start out wanting to look through to the other side, and find the ghostly image of yourself looking back at you along with everything else that’s over your shoulder. Window reflections are odd, they are a real life overlay effect, a melding of what is in front of you and what is behind you, suddenly woven together. The funniest thing about window reflections is the element of surprise. Unlike willingly looking in a mirror, we are not expecting to see ourselves and yet suddenly there we are in the middle of everything. With a window reflection, our attention is reversed back on ourselves and we are put in the context of the scene around us, seeing where we are and what we are looking at all at once, like movie stars watching themselves on screen while they are still acting. Why not take a photo in these moments? missed-the-mark@ These window reflection photos captured by various members of PicsArt’s vibrant community aim to inspire you to try it out for yourself. PicsArt Monthly | 15