What has been your single most challenging moment as a photographer?
A few months back I was on a ten day shoot in Quebec, Canada. A lot of planning had
gone into the trip and it was for an important client. The weather was terrible. I was
meant to be photographing the ‘perfect train journey’, but we were going through
thick a bank of fog and all I could see out of the windows (which didn’t open) was
blanket grey. That was pretty stressful and that fog seemed to follow me for four
days. Ultimately there’s not much you can do about these situations, and the client
knows that, you’ve just got to try and get the best shots you can and re-work the
schedule where you can. Saying that though I put a lot of pressure on myself to get
great shots, so when that’s not happening I usually get very grumpy.
What is your favorite part about being a photographer?
Going to amazing places, meeting interesting people (and getting paid to do it).
Are there any subjects or places that you would love to shoot in the future that
you have not already and if so why?
I find photographing specific events or activities most enjoyable – like the kite
festival in India I shot, or ice climbing in the arctic. It gives me a much clearer brief
regarding what to capture, plus I get to have a great time experiencing the activity
first-hand. It doesn’t always go to plan though – on the canyoning shoot I broke my
5D III. Although I did throw it off a waterfall. Lesson learnt.
PicsArt Monthly | 65