How do you find models for your pictures?
Mostly I have used either myself or people that I know very well. I am looking into
finding new models too.
Can you explain the reasoning behind your title choice of “Silent Dialogues”, for
one of your photography series?
I often sense that when I talk to people, there is this communication between
words, the kind of communication that is impossible to put into words – for me at
least. As soon as I try, it disappears.
So I try to capture it in a different way, I dream of capturing it honestly – capturing
it into image so it is there for me and others to see, so that it can´t escape.
The name "Silent Dialogues" seemed to cover my thoughts on this.
Is anxiety an important theme in your photos?
It is certainly a big theme for me, not so much in daily life, but in the stories I think
of, anxiety is often times present.
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