Pickleball Magazine 9-4 | Page 80



Look / Cosmetics : 3.5 / 5 Large Onix logo covers the entire face of the paddle , with royal blue brush strokes in the background . Also comes in a white / black color combo . Traditional-shaped paddle measuring 8 " x 11 " with a 5 " foam-filled , tennis-like handle and 14mm thickness ( also comes in 16mm ). Small V-shaped opening in the throat and two small open slots above the throat (“ double bridge ”) with rubber inserts add some practical innovation to the design . Plastic edge guards ( more on that later ) on the top corners to add durability . My playtest model weighed in at 8 oz . on the nose .
Serves / Returns / Groundstrokes : 3.5 / 5 The Onix Malice feels solid on impact when serving and returning . The composite materials return a lot of energy into the ball . I wasn ’ t crazy about the way the ball felt off the paddle , which may be due to the many softer-feeling paddles I ’ ve demoed lately ? Lots of pop , but I had a hard time telling when I centered my shot and when I didn ’ t . Lots of spin , though , on my slices and topspin shots .
Touch / Feel / Spin : 3 / 5 The lack of feel on my groundstrokes was also there on the dinks . Yes , the built-in shock absorbers in the handle help reduce the effects , but I had a hard time with my finesse shots . Hard to get a feel for how hard or soft my dinks were at first , but I did get more dialed-in after a while . Spin gets high marks here , with lots of it on tap when you chop or slice your shots .
Sound / Sweet Spot / Playability : 3 / 5 Mixed bag here . Paddle pop is on the loud side of the spectrum these days . Playability was good and the paddle was not difficult to use for most shots . Most of the paddle face returned the ball over the net where I was aiming . I just had trouble “ feeling ” the sweet spot . In addition , the results really suffered when you hit around the edges .
Summary : 3.25 / 5 I ’ m sorry Onix , but I was expecting more from your top-of-the-line paddle . There are some things to like about this model , but the negatives outweighed the positives for me . The plastic upper edge guards feel cheap and look like they will crack with some more use . The rubber inserts work well to dampen shock to your arm , and the tennis handle will be great for ex-tennis players . A few more tweaks should make this one compete with others at this price point .
Current Price : $ 249.99


Look / Cosmetics : 4 / 5 Sharp-looking paddle that will draw some attention when you step onto the court . Two-toned black and white colors with geometric shapes and a throat cutout design ( like Selkirk ) but larger , like a triangle . The overall shape is more traditional at 15.75 " x 7.75 ", which should suit a wide variety of players . Comes in three color schemes , but this only changes the highlighting and not the main colors . Handle is around 4.5 " long , which makes it a no-go for twohanded shots . Thermoformed with an edgeless design and a unique 19mm thickness , T700 carbon fiber surface . My demo weighed 8.1 oz .
Serves / Returns / Groundstrokes : 4 / 5 The Pathós feels crisp on contact , but soft at the same time . You can feel a little springiness in the sweet spot , and it makes for an enjoyable hit . I was surprised by how quick through the air this paddle feels on full shots . I had to adjust a little because I was initially out in front too much . Must be that large throat cavity . Adequate power on drive returns and slices had some nice dipping spin to them . Leans slightly more toward control than power . Easy “ pick up and play ” stick .
Touch / Feel / Spin : 4.5 / 5 This area was a surprise for me . Very soft feel on dinks , which I was not expecting for an “ all-around ” paddle . This could easily work for those “ dink masters ” who just work the kitchen until you pop one up . The carbon face works well also for absorbing hard incoming shots . Spin I would say was a bit above average , and the rough surface helps to impart spin when you need it .
Sound / Sweet Spot / Playability : 4.5 / 5 The sound on impact was nice — quieter pop than most . The sweet spot was about average in size , and I did notice a drop-off in results when you hit near the edges . You can really tell when you center your hits on this paddle , because you get a different feeling , which is hard to explain . It just makes you want to focus more and keep hitting that center of the sweet spot . Playability marks were high with this paddle that seems to do most things well .
Summary : 4.25 / 5 The Pathós is one of three choices in TRNITY ’ s Revolution paddle series and the most versatile and well-rounded of the three . This paddle strikes a great balance between power and control , with enough spin potential for many levels and playing styles . If this sounds like you , give this paddle a try . I think you will be surprised . If you prefer different shapes , check out the Ethós ( longer / narrow ) or the Logós ( wider / shorter ). TRNITY has a high-quality product here in a crowded field of competition . Based on what I ’ ve seen so far , I think it will succeed .
Current Price : $ 250
For more info , go to the Pickleball Paddle Reviews group page on Facebook . Paddle Manufacturers : Contact Jack Bandel at jackbandel @ gmail . com if you ’ d like your products to be reviewed .