Pickleball Magazine 9-4 | Page 50

Instruction FROM PAGE 47
6 . Use your whole body
Watching Anna Leigh Waters is a good way to visualize the commitment that good players make to a shot . Her whole body goes into the stroke . She prepares and then commits . Her follow-through is done not just with her paddle . Her eyes , shoulders , paddle , hips , legs , and feet are all going into the shot . When you drill , make it count like ALW .
7 . Develop a weapon
Players work so hard on their weaknesses , but good players develop a weapon . You need a shot that people want to dodge . You want to reduce the size of the court that your opponent can hit into comfortably . What feels natural to you ? What do you like to hit ? Build your game around that shot .
For example , if you choose a big forehand , be able to hit with pace and depth . But then add change of pace while the opponents are back behind the baseline waiting for your explosion . Add spin and angles . Make the opponent try to hit away from your weapon . And “ weapon ” does not necessarily mean hard 10 percent of the time and the other 90 into the bleachers . A weapon is something you can count on , and that takes practice .
8 . Develop a strong defense
Sometimes things just don ’ t happen as planned . Sometimes the other guy has weapons too . You need a strong defense . Learn to lob . It buys you time and position . Learn to use a third shot or fifth shot drop . Learn to play the ball back deep and hope . Learn to be patient when dinking with all four at the net .
If you don ’ t have a shot , you don ’ t have to pull the trigger . Don ’ t be the guy who is in a big hurry to lose . Draw the match out as long as possible if you are not cruising to victory . The worm may turn .
9 . Learn to exploit
Good players look for opportunities everywhere . They look for your weaknesses ; they look to use the sun , the wind , the lighting , the fans , the surface , the balls , paddles , etc . Be the player who thinks on the court .
If you have a crosswind , you can play to the high side . Use it to your advantage . Look for weaknesses in your opponents that you can exploit . Work your opponent over by keeping the ball in play and making him run . You may lose a few points early on in singles , for example , but you may cash in later when your opponent is exhausted from chasing your short balls . Good players find a way to win .
10 . Be able to move on after a bad-luck shot
There are going to be net cord shots , crazy wind shots , shots hit off the edges of paddles , flukes … Good players move on . You can complain , but all that does is derail your own focus . Learn to deal with those flukes in your head . Accept them as the price of playing the game . As Billie Jean King says , “ Pressure is a privilege .”
Don ’ t harbor the resentment that can affect your focus . Just say “ Good shot ” and move on . Accept that good players will make good shots against you . It was not an error on your part , but excellence on theirs . Get your head back in the game . Good players are winners inside as well as out . •
Alice Tym was ranked 13th in the world for tennis in the ‘ 60s . She ’ s been named USPTA Coach of the Year and is a USPTA Master Professional . As a 4.5 pickleball player , she won gold in Huntsman , NSGA Nationals , US Open , and USA Pickleball events around the country . Alice is an IPTPA member , SSIPA founding board member , Bainbridge Cup Originator and gold medalist in Spain , Italy , and Germany .