Pickleball Magazine 9-3 | Page 37

US Open Founders Terri Graham and Chris Evon Bid a Fond Farewell
Chris Evon ( left ) and Terri Graham at the 2024 US Open .
US Open Founders Terri Graham and Chris Evon Bid a Fond Farewell
After nearly a decade , Terri Graham and life partner Chris Evon , co‐founders of the US Open Pickleball Championships — trademarked as The Biggest Pickleball Party in the World™ — are handing their “ pickleball baby ” to the capable team of Pickle4 , owner of The Pickler and Pickleball Den .
Mike Dee , CEO of Pickle4 , says , “ These two women are a rare combination of trailblazers , start-up mavens , and for sure first-ballot Hall of Famers in the world of pickleball . What they have accomplished in under a decade in Naples is truly extraordinary . All of us involved in this great game sit on their shoulders as we move forward .”
Terri and Chris took a nostalgic look at the development and wild success of the US Open . “ It started while I was working at Wilson Sporting Goods ,” Terri explains . “ I did an extensive business plan on the sport and the report showed pickleball was about to explode . We were spot-on with the numbers . When you have most players over 60 and most of the country ’ s Baby Boomers , it was the perfect storm .
“ As for the growth of the US Open , it didn ’ t surprise us much at all . We built an event , with support from our team of Jim Ludwig and his wife Carol , and Bryan and Lisa McKenzie , along with 500 volunteers , into the top item on so many people ’ s bucket lists . Who wouldn ’ t want to come to paradise to play a game and then all go out to happy hour and dinner ? It is the perfect way to enjoy the journey of life .”
Chris has been by Terri ’ s side through it all in developing this Paradise Coast into a thriving pickleball community . “ Terri and I have worked together for over 25 years . We worked at Wilson Sporting Goods in the same division and then we moved to the US Open . It works because we both have different skill sets and we both have a passion to create new things . We have somehow managed to balance it all with our personal life .”
Terri and Chris will forever be linked to the US Open , and their imprint on the event will never be lost . They looked back on what they ’ ll miss most .
“ One thing I will remember is the first day in 2016 ,” says Chris . “ We were all exhausted and not sure how this was all going to go . Then the athletes and fans started arriving at the park . The energy was palpable and was the spark we all needed . That energy remains today and is hard to describe unless you are here .”
For Terri , it ’ s also the energy and the people . “ But most of all ,” she says , “ it ’ s the party . That ’ s why we trademarked the US Open as ‘ The Biggest Pickleball Party in the World .’ It ’ s a little bit of Woodstock mixed in with Mardi Gras and a touch of The Masters .” •