If you ’ re anything like me , you ’ re eager to get back on the pickleball court after not playing as much this winter . As you sharpen your technical skills to prepare yourself physically to resume play , don ’ t forget mental preparation . Perhaps because pickleball is so much fun , we tend to overlook the mental toughness side of training , but being mentally tough may be exactly what will give you the advantage you need .
Especially after a winter hiatus , it can seem daunting to prepare to face your weekend doubles opponents . It isn ’ t just about getting primed for your opponents , it ’ s also about preparing mentally for your partner . It ’ s your responsibility to keep yourself focused , but also to keep your partner mentally tuned in .
The following will help you to prepare mentally to be a great partner on the court .
1 . Maintain Perspective
As soon as you step onto the court ( if not before ), you and your partner need to work together for one cause : to win the game . The best way to do that is for both of you to get your heads into the game as soon as possible and keep them there for the duration . That means all of your thoughts are centered entirely on the match , blocking out anything that can be a distraction . Help keep your partner strong mentally by staying present and “ in the now .” Doing so will maximize your performance and minimize interference from mental hurdles .
This means that any dialogue between you and your partner ( as well as your internal dialogues ) must strictly be about what is happening right now in the game , because it is the only thing you can control . You must avoid talking about anything ( both good and bad ) you both cannot control , such as the past . Avoid statements like , “ I can ’ t believe how bad I was in that last point .” Your concentration must be fully focused on what is happening right now , which means the next point , since nothing else is in your control .
2 . Encourage Your Partner ( especially when the partner is struggling )
Staying positive and encouraging to your partner seems obvious , but a lot of doubles teams don ’ t do this , and it can be draining on a team ’ s mentality . The key is to always be encouraging your partner . When they ’ re playing well or hit a good shot , tell them , “ Awesome playing !” Positive phrases like this will help them maintain or even raise their level . When they ’ re in a slump , it is your job as a good partner to get them out of it . Again , stick with positive phrases like , “ We ’ re good , we have the next one .” Studies show that when things are going poorly , in sports or otherwise , shame only makes it worse .
Positive Language / Energy → Positive Thoughts → Better Performance
3 . Help Your Partner Play to Their Strengths
Whether you ’ re the stronger player or not , you need to help your partner get in the best position for their doubles style based on their strengths . That might mean changing your mental strategy .
Especially if you ’ re the stronger player , you need to find a way to help your partner get in a position where they are most comfortable . This will help them take advantage of their strengths and help your team win .
4 . Take Ownership ( especially if you ’ re the stronger player )
Taking ownership or blame of a lost point or game is uncommon among many doubles teams . When you ’ re the stronger player , you should be taking the pressure off your partner and let them play their game ; don ’ t be negative with yourself , and don ’ t let your partner do that either .