Pickleball Magazine 9-2 WD | Page 28



As you progress from fundamentals to techniques , the next step is strategies , which will help you and your team control points , get to the net more effectively , cover the court as a team and understand common patterns in attacking and defending . This will remove some of the chaos and replace it with strategic play that is much more predictable and repeatable .
Third Shot Drop as a Team
Utilizing your partner on the third shot drop is a great way to transition into the kitchen or non-volley zone ( NVZ ) consistently as well as set up opportunities for your team to take advantage in points . Many think of the third shot drop as an individual shot , but when you drop crosscourt in front of your partner , it ’ s easier and much more effective . Let ’ s say the returning team hit a good return and is going to make it up to the kitchen line like they should . As the serving team , this could be a good indicator to hit a third shot drop . This is where you can work as a team to get to the kitchen consistently .
Hit your third shot drop crosscourt because you have more distance than straight ahead , and a bigger target to hit into . This will get your partner involved . Your partner should start to advance once they see the ball is going to you . Your partner ’ s movement forward on your good drop applies pressure on the opponent who is about to hit the fourth shot , making it easier for you to advance . If the opponent chooses to attack your good drop , your partner has the opportunity to counter this attack if it ’ s hit at them , or if it ’ s hit toward the middle , they can look to poach it .
A “ poach ” is when the player closer to the net crosses over to hit a ball intended for their partner . Poaching is about shot placement , court position and anticipation . To poach effectively , you want to close toward the net off of your team ’ s good shots . If your partner hits a good third shot drop or any shot toward your opponent ’ s feet , you can move toward the net and look to anticipate your opponent hitting a ball up . Come to a stop with a split step right before the opponent hits the ball , and be ready to move toward the ball . Cut off the path of the ball and apply pressure with your shot .
If done effectively , this will make it harder for the opposing team to keep your team from getting to the kitchen and they may start to hit more conservative fourth shots . This will neutralize the returning team ’ s advantage in points and lead to your team garnering more chances to win
MOVE FORWARD ON YOUR PARTNER ’ S GOOD THIRD SHOT DROP , WHICH WILL PUT YOU IN A GOOD COURT POSITION , SETTING UP TO POACH THE OPPONENT ’ S SHOT . points . This pattern removes chaos and makes the flow of points on your serves more predictable . Your team will get to the kitchen with more regularity where you can further advance your strategy .