Pickleball Magazine 9-1 | Page 79

Carbs : Load ‘ em up !
Popular weight loss diets have given carbohydrates a bad reputation , but athletes need them to perform their best and stay sharp . Carbohydrates are the most efficient source of fuel for both the body and brain .
Sorry , that doesn ’ t mean you should regularly consume donuts and soda . Complex carbohydrates like whole grains , fruits , legumes , and starchy vegetables like sweet potatoes are the better choice because they ’ re packed with nutrients our bodies need during exercise . Also , the fiber in complex carbs slows digestion , offering a steady fuel supply rather than the burst ( and potential crash ) provided by simple carbs .
Human bodies can store some carbohydrates to use as energy when they need it . Pickleball athletes can use this to their advantage by loading up on carbs in the days and hours prior to a tournament . It ’ s not always possible to optimally carb load if your tournament starts in the early morning , but here ’ s a general guideline chart .
Two days prior to the tournament
2 hours prior to event
How Much Carbohydrate
10-12 grams / kg / day
Keep the calories coming Example
60kg person would consume 600-720 grams
2 grams / kg 60kg person would consume 120 grams
As your body uses up your carbohydrate stores , you ’ ll need to refuel . Between tournament matches , consider regularly eating small portions of foods that are easily digested . Some examples include bananas , apples , watermelon , whole grain crackers , pasta , cereal , and mini bagels . Pair these carbohydrates with proteins that contain healthy fats like nuts or nut butter , seeds , hummus , Greek yogurt , or hard-boiled eggs .
If you wait too long between snacks and suddenly feel drained , it may be necessary to add some quick energy to the game plan in the form of simple carbs . Dried fruit , sports drinks with sugar , granola , energy bars , white crackers , bread , flour tortillas , rice , or pasta are some ideas . As always , stick with foods your body is familiar with to avoid stomach trouble .
Start off with drinking 16-24 ounces of water in the two hours before your games start . Then drink 6-12 ounces for every 10-20 minutes of heavy exercise . Plain water is generally best , but if you ’ re sweating for more than an hour , you ’ ll want to consider adding electrolytes .
A good indicator of adequate hydration is the frequency and color of your urine . If it ’ s very pale yellow or almost colorless , you ’ re probably drinking enough . And if you ’ re not using the restroom as regularly as you normally do , you probably need to drink more .
Make nutritious food part of your life
Having peak energy when it comes down to game day means fueling your body with nutrient-dense foods in the weeks and months prior to the tournament . Regularly eating a healthy , plant-based diet will help keep your body running smoothly and stocked with the vitamins , minerals , carbs , proteins , and healthy fats you need to keep you on your toes .
See you on the courts , pickleball friends ! •
Berry Energy-Packed Smoothie Bowl
This extra-thick smoothie can be eaten with a spoon like ice cream . Or if you ’ re on the go , blend with a little extra milk to make it a classic smoothie .
Ingredients : 1 very ripe frozen banana , cut into chunks ½ cup frozen berries of choice ¼ cup old-fashioned oats soaked in ¼ cup milk * overnight 2 tablespoons chia seeds 2 tablespoons nut butter of choice 1-2 tablespoons honey ( optional ) ½ cup lowfat milk or milk alternative * Choice of ¼ cup each of nuts and fresh berries to mix in
( optional )
Directions :
Blend all ingredients except nuts and fresh berries . Scrape the sides of blender with rubber spatula and add a little more milk if needed for desired consistency . Scrape into a bowl and top with nuts and berries .
* Some milk alternatives are not equivalent to cow ’ s milk when it comes to protein and vitamins . Be sure to compare labels to make the best choice .
Start and stay hydrated
Statistics show that many athletes walk into their event already dehydrated . This is a big mistake , since we can ’ t make energy without water . It ’ s required to bring fuel and oxygen to our cells , get rid of waste , and regulate body temperature .
Brandi Givens has been a registered dietitian since 2010 . Questions or comments can be posted to her blog at brandigivensrd . com .

Brandi ’ s Kitchen