Referee Corner |
C Certified referees Julie and Larry Scott were introduced by their daughters ’ childhood best friends . Larry was the girls ’ soccer coach . Julie and Larry became serious in 2006 when Larry helped the family in a crisis . He helped Julie and her children , Sarah and Kyle , care for Julie ’ s mom . Kyle — who you know as Kyle Yates , a professional pickleball player — introduced Larry and Julie to the sport shortly after he started playing .
Julie graduated from the University of Kentucky , where she was a cheerleader . With an accounting background , she worked for a land developer in the Fort Myers , Florida , area . Larry attended Kansas State University Veterinary School and remains an active veterinarian in the Fort Myers area , where he has practiced for more than 30 years .
USA Pickleball : We know the family tree , but did the two of you play together ?
L & J : We played several years as a mixed doubles team , won several tournaments at 4.0 and moved up to 4.5 , where we did not succeed much . We became referees and now would much rather referee than play in tournaments .
USA Pickleball : Who started the journey as referees ? And how did you decide to become certified referees ?
L & J : Around 2013 there were two ladies who ran pickleball
tournaments in the southwest Florida area . At one tournament , they handed Larry a clipboard , and asked him to referee a match . There were really no certified referees at that time , at least none that we had come in contact with . We refereed many matches there , along with a few in Royal Oak , Michigan . In 2019 , Gail Scavongelli became an evaluator in southwest Florida and encouraged us to enter the program and become certified referees .
USA Pickleball : Julie , I see you at many large tournaments serving as referee coordinator . How did you become interested in this challenge ?
Julie : I am very left-brained , very data oriented . My t ’ s need to be crossed and my i ’ s need to be dotted . I love the role of RC because it keeps the event flowing smoothly , and I love the camaraderie among the referees . I love the referee community and enjoy watching them have fun as well .
USA Pickleball : Larry , how special is it to share that journey ? Larry : It is terrific . It is a fun time not only with each other but also with good friends . Refereeing has taken us this past year to Puerto Rico , Hawaii , Ireland and later this year to St . Thomas in the U . S . Virgin Islands . We love to travel to train referees !
USA Pickleball : What would you tell others interested in joining the community of certified referees ?
L & J : We have advised and mentored several who are now CRs . Our advice is and will continue to be : Study hard . Find ways to practice . Be patient with the process — it really does work ! Don ’ t be in a hurry to reach CR status . Watch other CRs for styles that suit you . Have other CRs watch you . Realize that becoming a CR is just one step in the process of continuing to grow and improve as a referee . Enjoy the process . There are so many great referees . There is no BEST ; we all strive to be better . •
Welcome to our new certified referees : David Stewart - Butler , PA Gloria Wipf - Saskatchewan , Canada Diane Hill - Saskatchewan , Canada Sandy Smith - Macon , MO Ben Farmer - Sugarland , TX Jo Marie Holzhammer - Hopewell , NJ Erin McKarski - Bethlehem , PA Kendelene Lewis - Ewing , NJ Dave White - Allentown , PA Kathy Hudson - Estero , FL Dave Murphy - Freeport , FL Jennie Wynn - Lemoore , CA Anize Appel - Macungie , PA