Pickleball Magazine 8-6 WD | Page 68

Mother-daughter duo overcame multiple medical conditions to compete at first Nationals .
Angie and Ella Cosma only began playing pickleball in June 2022 . A little over a year later , the mother / daughter tandem from Washington state have fully embraced the sport and got to savor their first taste of Nationals . “ It ’ s cool to see how big this event is because pickleball started small where we ’ re from ,” said Ella , 14 . “ To see so many people come together is cool .” By the time she was 12 , Ella had battled multiple medical conditions affecting her digestive system and endured several stays in a hospital . Following successful surgeries , her condition improved after being fitted with an ileostomy bag . Meanwhile , Angie , a former collegiate tennis player , battled an autoimmune disorder that often left her feeling fatigued and lethargic . Despite these health challenges , the duo earned their spot at Nationals and competed in Dallas together .
Pickleball helps reunite lifelong friends !
Many of the newcomers who have made pickleball the nation ’ s fastest-growing sport credit the game ’ s strong social aspect , and that includes Joey Rogoff . But for Rogoff , a prominent social media personality who competed as an amateur in the Men ’ s Singles division at Nationals , the sport also helped reunite him with a lifelong friend . A native of Cleveland , Rogoff now lives in Los Angeles , where he ’ s become a well-known personality on TikTok (@ joeyrogoff ) with 4.6 million followers . When he heard that the national championships would be held near Dallas , he called his childhood friend Spencer Hendlin , who now lives in uptown Dallas and works in banking . The old friends stayed together at Hendlin ’ s place during the event .
Indiana doubles tandem is all about pickleball ’ s good vibes .
Heidi Kleinrichert and Natasha Nuerge have formed a potent partnership in just two years . The pair approach the sport with a simple mentality : “ If people take this sport too seriously , then it ’ s not fun ,” said Kleinrichert , a real estate agent from Fort Wayne , Indiana . “ We ’ ve played enough competitive tennis that we decided we ’ re not going to take this too seriously .” The talented tandem — who both attended the University of Indiana but whose paths never crossed in Bloomington — first met on a tennis court , and over the past few years they ’ ve developed a solid pickleball partnership that balances their competitive edge with fun . Great friends on and off the court , their synergy is apparent whenever they hit the court for a match , whether it ’ s at tournaments or the three times weekly they play pickleball back in the Hoosier State . •
>> To read these stories ( and more !), browse photos and view results , visit usapickleball . org / nationals .