Anaba Wines , named for Sonoma Valley ’ s upward-moving “ anabatic ” winds , is our sport ’ s newest partner , and the first of its kind in the country to offer a wine and pickleball experience . The winery sits on a picturesque 16 acres , 35 minutes north of the iconic Golden Gate Bridge in San Francisco . Beyond the vineyards and tasting gatherings , another aspect is gaining in popularity and earning rave reviews from its participants — pickleball . Krishna Raichura , owner of Pickleball Organized , contacted Anaba and offered the winery the idea of serving up pickleball while satisfying one ’ s palate with wine . “ Sonoma Valley is world-renowned for its wine and vineyards . Its picturesque landscape and beauty attract visitors from all over the world , and with pickleball now combined with this beautiful vineyard backdrop , [ it ] simply offers a breathtaking and unique experience ,” says Raichura .
Can you think of a better way to sip your favorite Chardonnay or Pinot than while basking in the warm California sun on the pickleball court ? To find out more , don ’ t miss Drew Wathey ’ s story , “ Perfect Pairing ,” on page 32 .
Other pickleball destinations you might want to add to your bucket list this year are Barcelona , Spain , and Turks and Caicos Islands . As many of you know , my wife , Lisa , and I travel the country teaching LevelUp Pickleball camps . Our camps have grown by more than 50 percent in the past two years and our customer base by almost 70 percent . So , it seemed inevitable that we needed to spread our wings to meet the demands of our growing international customer base . For details on the international camps , or to register , visit
LevelUpPickleball . com / camps .
See you on the courts !
PUBLISHER Wayne Dollard
ART DIRECTOR Michael Miller
Wayne Dollard Publisher
Launched in 2016 , Pickleball Magazine is recognized by USA Pickleball as the “ Official Magazine ” of pickleball . USA Pickleball is the national governing body for the sport of pickleball in the U . S . Pickleball Magazine offers tournament coverage , expert instruction written by professional players , rules , profiles of top pros , the latest equipment and more !
Steven Ablondi Jack Bandel Doug Bates Cindy Burns Rick Cipes Joe Dinoffer Britt Fresa Laura Gainor Brandi Givens Chris Koentges Craig Laughlin Karen Mitchell Ernie Ortiz Hana Papaco Jeff Rausch Javier Regalado Dr . Noe Sariban Alice Tym Bob Unetich Drew Wathey Melissa Zhang
Dustin DeMeritt Pat Rolfes Carl Schmits Dave Velardo Bruce Yeung Bex Wyant
Dollard Publishing Co ., Inc . publishes six issues of Pickleball Magazine per year . Subscriptions are $ 24 per year . To subscribe , call 412.914.8294 or go to
pickleballmagazine . com . ALL RIGHTS RESERVED . REPRODUCTION IN WHOLE OR IN PART IS PROHIBITED . © 2023 Please recycle this magazine when you are through enjoying it .