Pickleball Magazine 7-6 | Page 74

Referee Corner


By Doug Bates

Meet Vicki and Jim Ryan , a couple who became USA Pickleball certified referees in January 2020 . They met in eighth grade and have been married for 43 years . After retiring in 2015 , Vicki took up pickleball . And she did it in fast fashion — taking a class one morning and buying her first paddle that afternoon . Of course , when Jim retired the next year , he was pulled straight into the sport .

USA Pickleball : How did you get started as referees ?
Vicki : Playing in tournaments , I wanted to prove to myself that I knew the rules , so I investigated becoming a referee . Our local club wanted to have a sanctioned tournament , so they offered a referee training class in our area . Jim and I both took the class and felt refereeing was something we could do together while traveling .
Jim : I never had a big desire to play in tournaments , but Vicki did , so refereeing was a clever way to keep busy while Vicki played .
USAP : Why did you become certified referees ?
Ryans : We both traveled a lot internationally when we were working and decided there was a lot within the United States we would like to see . Traveling to pickleball tournaments is a terrific way to do it .
USAP : How do you see the sport evolving into the future ?
Ryans : We believe the influx of tennis and racquetball players will make the sport more competitive quickly . The depth of pro players will explode and make it difficult for the governing body to keep the sport as simple as it is today . The sport will be in the Olympics in the next 8-12 years .
USAP : What do you see for the future of the sport ?
Vicki : The aspect of gambling on the sport will bring changes , as well as the role of the referee . Improved video production , cameras for video review , as well as real-time statistical analysis will be required .
Jim : I see more talent coming to the professional ranks of pickleball . In addition , I do not think gambling on pickleball is far away .
USAP : What are the most common rule questions you are asked ?
Ryans : Besides serve and nonvolley zone ( NVZ ) faults , players do not understand when they can be in the NVZ . Something so simple is so misunderstood . Stop calling it the “ kitchen .”
USAP : What advice do you have for anyone interested in becoming a certified referee ?
Vicki : Own your progress through the process to become certified . Stay connected with those you admire and aspire to be like . Take the initiative , have a goal and work toward it . Neither Jim
Jim and Vicki Ryan became USA Pickleball certified referees in 2020 .
nor I had mentors when working to become certified referees . We studied , practiced , and called fellow referees when we had questions . Everyone is willing to help those who help themselves .
Jim : Be a sponge and practice the craft . There is a lot of information out there . Read the rulebook . Read the handbook . Read the change documents . Practice refereeing and train yourself to practice good mechanics . Most importantly , have fun .
Newly Certified Referees Welcome to the new certified referees ( through Oct . 15 ): Mary Bittner , Florida Beth Brewer , North Carolina Benjamin Davis , Virginia Lisa Hageman , New Hampshire Nancy Kaplan , New York Pamella Leslie , Nevada Triphina Moore , California Norman Velguth , California
Learn more about how to become a referee at usapickleball . org / get-involved / pickleball-officiating .