Boxcar Productions leads the way in pickleball broadcasting .
By Emma Masur
While the history of pickleball dates back many decades to the 1960s , the technological advancements within the sport can be considered relatively new . As the sport continues to grow and evolve , companies such as Boxcar Productions have recognized the true value of the pickleball space , thus revolutionizing the way pickleball is broadcasted to players and viewers across the nation . With Boxcar Productions , it ’ s more than just a broadcast company ; it ’ s a group of passionate pickleball players themselves who work tirelessly behind the scenes to provide real-time access to America ’ s Fastest-Growing Sport .
What you may not have known while watching the 2022 Margaritaville USA Pickleball National Championships is that the team just formed a little over two years ago when Kyle Selinko and Randy Coleman came together to start the first pickleball broadcast company . While playing in pickleball tournaments they each began streaming matches , on a
Kyle Selinko , founder of Boxcar Productions , on court at the 2022 Margaritaville USA
Pickleball National Championships . Photo by Laura Gainor