Pickleball Magazine 7-6 WD | Page 95

Hot Holiday Oatmeal
Oats are truly a superfood , with their power to lower cholesterol and feed your gut microbiome . If you think you don ’ t like oatmeal , try this . By using steel-cut oats and cooking them in milk or soy beverage , you ’ ll greatly improve both texture and flavor .
Ingredients :
◦ ½ cup steel-cut oats
◦ 1 cup milk ( or soy beverage )
◦ ¼ cup chopped apples or dried cherries
◦ ¼ cup walnut pieces or pumpkin seeds
◦ ¼ teaspoon cinnamon
Cook oats according to package directions , using milk or soy beverage instead of water . Mix in your favorite fruit , nuts or seeds . Sprinkle with cinnamon . 1 serving .
Turkey Rice Soup
Don ’ t let that tryptophan-packed leftover turkey go to waste ! With a bone-broth base , this soup is rich in collagen protein for muscle and joint recovery , vitamin A to keep your dinking sight sharp , and whole grain for gut health .
Ingredients :
◦ 8 cups turkey bone broth ( made from leftover turkey carcass )
◦ 3 minced garlic cloves
◦ 1 chopped yellow onion
◦ 4 large carrots , peeled and sliced
◦ 4 stalks celery , chopped
◦ 4 cups chopped turkey meat
◦ 3 cups cooked brown rice
Over medium heat , gently sauté garlic , onion , celery and carrots in two tablespoons of olive oil for five minutes or until onions are soft . Add turkey meat and sauté two more minutes . Add bone broth and simmer for 30 minutes or until carrots and celery are tender . Add cooked rice and heat through . 8 servings .
Whether you ’ re commending a holiday or a tournament win , drinks are what most of us reach for first during a celebration . These festive beverages have a nutritional twist and the option of alcohol to help keep you warm . Cheers !
Mulled Pomegranate Cider
Both tart cherries and pomegranates have powerful anti-inflammatory benefits that may help your heart , brain and muscles . Tart cherry juice seems to be especially helpful in muscle recovery .
Ingredients :
◦ 1 quart pomegranate or tart cherry juice
◦ 2 cups apple cider
◦ 1 orange , thinly sliced
◦ 2 cinnamon sticks
◦ 5 whole cloves
◦ 3 oz . spiced rum ( optional )
In a large saucepan , bring juices , orange slices , and spices to simmer for 15-20 minutes . Remove spices and oranges with a strainer . Stir in rum if desired . Serves 4 .
Golden Latte
Both milk and turmeric can be beneficial for athletes . Milk provides protein for muscle building and recovery , and the curcumin in turmeric has strong anti-inflammatory whole-body benefits . Turmeric is better absorbed with a little fat and pepper , included in this recipe .
Ingredients :
◦ 2 cups whole milk ( or nut beverage of choice plus 1 tablespoon coconut oil )
◦ 2 inches fresh turmeric root , grated
◦ Pinch of black pepper
◦ 1-2 tablespoons honey , maple syrup , or agave sweetener
◦ 1 oz . Irish cream whisky or rum ( optional )
Gently heat milk , turmeric , pepper , and sweetener . Stir constantly on low heat until it begins to simmer . Remove from heat and strain out turmeric . Stir in Irish cream or rum , if desired .
I wish you all warm and healthy holidays , and may 2023 be your best pickleball year yet ! •
Keep in mind that alcohol is a dehydrating toxin and can negate the benefits of the nutrients found in these drinks . Overconsumption ( more than two drinks daily for men , one for women ) may be detrimental to your health and pickleball performance .
Brandi Givens has been a registered dietitian since 2010 . Questions or comments can be posted to her blog at brandigivensrd . com .