Pickleball Magazine 7-5 WD | Page 20

around the post

By Jennifer Lucore & Alex Hamner

Mystery of the Kitchen Whether you ’ re new to pickleball or not , many players are confused on what you can and cannot do ( and when ) in that area of a pickleball court called “ the kitchen ,” a . k . a . the Non-Volley Zone ( NVZ ).

Common Myths :
You can ’ t step into the kitchen until after the ball bounces . Wrong . You absolutely can step into the kitchen before the ball bounces ! You can take a nap in the kitchen ( or drink some wine , as Alex does in one video ) as long as you do not hit the ball before it bounces ( that is , volley ) while you ’ re in that area .
You must get out of the kitchen right away . Wrong . You can hang out there all day long , as long as you do not hit the ball before it bounces .
Only one person can be in the kitchen at a time . Wrong . Players can be in the kitchen as long as one does not hit the ball before it bounces .
Have you noticed the basic rule about being in the kitchen ? Just don ’ t hit a volley and you ’ re golden — that ’ s why it ’ s the Non-Volley Zone !
Hot Tips to Know About the Kitchen :
The lines that define the kitchen are part of the kitchen , so you ’ re not allowed to touch those lines when volleying .
The kitchen is only the surface of the court — it ’ s twodimensional — don ’ t worry about the airspace above it .
Both feet must contact the playing surface outside the kitchen before and after you hit a volley .
No part of your body , or what you ’ re wearing or have touched , can contact the kitchen “ in the act of volleying ”; that ’ s before and after you hit a volley .
And in the kitchen , just like anywhere else on the court , if the ball hits you , it ’ s a fault .
Need to Know :
What happens if any of these items fall into the kitchen during a volley : hat , glasses , Chapstick , earring , etc .? It ’ s a fault . But is it OK if it was an accident ? Can we just play the point again ? No ! It ’ s still a fault .
Throughout our travels and teachings , players share how helpful , and fun , the following two videos are . Learn all you need to know about the NVZ / Kitchen at pickleballchannel . com or check out the YouTube Pickleball 411 videos . The videos are “ The Most Complete Pickleball Non-Volley Zone Video EVER ” and “ Three Myths About Being in the Kitchen .” Cheers ! We tip our wine glasses to you while sitting in our beach chairs — in the kitchen . •
Alex Hamner and Jennifer Lucore began playing and competing in pickleball in 2010 and have both been inducted into the Pickleball Hall of Fame . They are co-directors of training and development at Naples Pickleball Center , Pickleball Capital of the World . They are best known for winning Women ’ s Open Doubles at Nationals for four consecutive years ( 2011-2014 ). For more pickleball fun , visit Jennifer ’ s blog at allpickleball . com .