Pickleball Magazine 7-4 | Page 59

time the day of play , so this method is somewhat limited to macro measurement after the tournament .
If you manage to record your matches , then focus on the basics . When you win points on serve , which shots did the most damage ? When you lost points on a return , ask the same question . Paint a broad picture first and then narrow it down until you have a high-resolution image of the good , the bad , and the ugly . Armed with this , you ’ re ready to move on to the next phase .
A good measurement is only useful when you have something to compare it to . In the digital speed example , the comparison is the speed limit itself . In pickleball , you have various options , and you ’ ll have to decide just how thorough you want to be .
My work as a broadcast analyst for professional pickleball lets me see which players are making effective changes from tournament to tournament using the feedback loop , and which players are adept at also using the same loop in the micro sense . The best of the best never make the same mistake twice . They perform a shot , measure , compare , correct , and then perform more effectively . Therefore you see the best teams sometimes lose game 1 , but rarely game 3 .
How did your drop percentages fare in comparison with your opponent , or the gold medal winners ? The third shot drop is a prime example because it ’ s one that often separates the best from the rest . However , perhaps your drops are fantastic , but your crosscourt backhand dinks are at fault . In this high-pressure situation , are you making a mistake or bailing out of the rally with a risky attack ?
You can use the earplug method to help measure and compare this also . There are a lot of matches at a variety of levels free to watch on YouTube , so the only thing stopping you is your own commitment to improvement . I can ’ t help you if you have no idea what is really letting you down , through good measurement and appropriate comparison .
Correcting the mistakes you ’ ve made or reinforcing positive play is where the loop comes together or falls apart . Making a change doesn ’ t have to involve technique ; it can simply be tactical , and I suggest when trying to improve your feedback loop within rallies , points , matches , and tournaments , you certainly shouldn ’ t be trying to make technical changes . Doing so will take away from valuable resources that should be used to make sound tactical decisions .
Technique changes should be reserved for a period that allows a process called myelination to take hold . This process is what makes you very proficient at repeating certain motor skills , like walking or running , and very poor at rhythmic gymnastics . This takes real time and commitment so please , whatever you do , don ’ t attempt to adjust your grip or swing mechanics in the middle of a tournament . You can , however , continue to remind yourself to get low — that just helps everything !
You ’ ve come full circle , congratulations ! The culmination of your feedback loop is complete and you ’ re ready to put the lessons learned back into play . As mentioned before , this loop can occur over months after a tournament , half a day between weekend recreational play , or , in the case of the most accomplished players , in the brief moments between contact points in a rally .
I find that most players get stuck in a much smaller and significantly less effective loop of playing , comparing , and then playing again . Without accurate measurement , any comparison and subsequent correction are severely limited .
Now , you may think that professional players are adept at this but it ’ s not always the case . Many top players lean on natural physical skills and fall victim to the same traps that you might be , often as a result of pride disrupting how they measure and compare individual shots or patterns of play .
You don ’ t need to beat your opponents in every facet of the game to win the match . That ’ s the beauty of this game ; there ’ s a lot of ways to win . I want you to ask yourself the tough question : Where are you falling short in the feedback loop ? Like anything else , the feedback loop is a skill , and making it as tight and efficient as possible is how you can set yourself on the right path . As the twig is bent , so grows the tree . •
Morgan Evans is a Selkirk pro and team coach . He is also co-founder of coachmepickleball . com and head pro at Palm Desert Resort . For more information and videos , visit coachmepickleball . com .