Pickleball Magazine 7-4 WD | Page 87

and muscle cramps . Here are some things you can do to avoid dehydration during travel :
• Remember to take your favorite water bottle and use it during the trip .
• Pack a cooler with juicy , portable produce like apples , personal melons , kiwi , oranges , sweet peppers , cucumbers , salad greens , and grapes .
• Avoid drinking alcohol in the days before your tournament .
• For air travel , don ’ t avoid drinking water just to prevent having to get up during the flight .
Recreational Vehicle Tips
If you ’ re fortunate enough to own or rent an RV with a stove and mini fridge , you can keep your meals nearly normal . Here are a few tips to keep your healthy meals convenient :
• Plan your meals well before your trip so you can prep foods and make the cooking easier on travel days . For example , you can pre-chop fruits and veggies , pre-measure spices , prep salads , and precook meats and poultry for reheating .
• Splurge on minimally processed health foods like salad kits , prepared hummus , and cut fruit and veggie trays . Or prep your own in the days before the trip .
• There are tons of RV-friendly recipes online to make easy meals , but remember it ’ s best to stick with familiar dishes .
• Take disposable plates and cutlery since hot water for washing is often limited .
• Most of us are pickier about water than we like to admit . Avoid dehydration by packing extra drinking water in case the potable water at the RV lot doesn ’ t taste good to you .
Hotel Living
While stovetop cooking isn ’ t available in basic hotel rooms , most of them now have small refrigerators and microwaves that you can put to great use . Ask what your room will have when you ’ re booking .
• That destination town will have a grocery store , just like home . Make a list of healthy convenience foods you can keep in your room like yogurt , fruit , nuts , seeds , nut bars , whole-grain crackers , hummus cups , pre-chopped veggies and fruit , sandwiches , and pre-packed salads .
• There are many healthy microwave-friendly foods on the market to consider , like plain oatmeal cups , low-sodium soup bowls , and frozen veggies .
• Many hotels offer free continental breakfast in the morning , often with healthier options like fruit , oatmeal with toppings like nuts and raisins , boiled eggs , and low-sugar dry cereals .
Instead of staying in a hotel , you might consider renting an Airbnb or VRBO with a full kitchen , so you can plan to stock your fridge on day one and make your favorite meals easily .
Enjoy Your Trip with Fun Food
I am a firm believer that there ’ s room in life for treats , and it ’ s up to individuals to decide where to draw the line when it comes to healthy eating . While it might be best to save your biggest splurge for after you ’ ve won that gold medal , pickleball road trips are a great opportunity to experience favorite local restaurants , whether they ’ re known for healthy food or they ’ re just plain delicious . If restaurant calories concern you , you can :
• Split a meal with your bestie .
• Order an appetizer and salad with dressing on the side instead of a full meal .
• Ask for a to-go box to save half of the meal for later .
Remember that the most important part of sharing a post-tournament restaurant meal with your favorite pickleball people isn ’ t really about the food . It ’ s about that deep , analyzing conversation you ’ ll have with buddies who understand your need to reenact your wins or mourn your losses . Safe travels , pickleball friends ! •
Brandi Givens has been a registered dietitian since 2010 . Questions or comments can be posted to her blog at brandigivensrd . com .