Pickleball Magazine 7-4 WD | Page 47

For the first time in pickleball ’ s 57-year history , nine of the most national pickleball federations are aligned and invested in the creation of one international governing body for the sport .

For the first time in pickleball ’ s 57-year history , nine of the most national pickleball federations are aligned and invested in the creation of one international governing body for the sport .

into numerous roadblocks along the way . That stalemate recently underwent a paradigm shift , as representatives from nine of the world ’ s most populous pickleballplaying countries , Australia , Canada , Czech Republic , England , France , Mexico , the Philippines , Spain and United States , joined together in May to form a Unified Pickleball Task Force ( UPTF ).
For the first time in pickleball ’ s 57-year history , nine of the most national pickleball federations are aligned and invested in the creation of one international governing body for the sport .
“ The UPTF has made excellent progress already and has signed a letter of intent with the WPF . This will set up a joint engagement team to establish a united international pickleball federation that can lead the sport on the world stage ,” said Pierre Obozinski , UPTF moderator and Pickleball France president . “ This is intended to be consistent with the International Olympic Committee governance model .”
Better Together — Strength in Numbers
The UPTF was formed after nearly all of the largest member countries resigned from the IFP in May 2022 ( India was the lone exception ).
The UPTF ’ s singular vision is to establish one recognized international sports federation for pickleball through bylaws that ensure an open election process , member nation voting rights , and transparent operations . This task force will also adhere to compliance standards to one day hopefully achieve pickleball ’ s candidacy as an Olympic and Paralympic sport .
All parties on the joint engagement team will be evaluating best practices to arrive at common ground as a nonprofit organization led by member nations . Legal counsel has been retained , with expertise in establishing bylaws and meeting requirements of the Global Association of International Sports Federation ( GAISF ) and the IOC . •
Pickleball Australia Association Pickleball Canada Pickleball CR ( Czech Republic ) Pickleball England Pickleball France Liga Profesional de Pickleball ( Mexico ) Philippine Pickleball Federation Pickleball Spain USA Pickleball