Pickleball Magazine 7-1 | Page 94

health & nutrition

By Brandi Givens , RD

Drive Up Your Metabolism in and out of the Kitchen

Oh , metabolism . We dink that term around almost as much as Anna Leigh Waters wins , but what is metabolism , really ? Can we blame “ slow ” metabolism on weight gain ? If so , how can we drive it up to burn more calories ?

The truth is scientists still have a lot to learn about metabolism . It seems to be as unique to individuals as their pickleball serve . Here ’ s some general information about what we do know , and a few tips that may keep yours at its best .
What is Metabolism ?
Simply put , metabolism is the process of converting the food we eat into energy . Through a series of complex chemical reactions , humans can metabolize energy from carbohydrates , protein , fat , and alcohol . If we take in too many calories , our bodies store them as fat . If we don ’ t get enough calories , we break down our own stored fat or muscle tissue to meet energy needs .
Our bodies burn energy , even while we ’ re resting ; 24 hours a day , our hearts pump , our lungs breathe , and