Pickleball Magazine 7-1 | Page 87

approach shots as well . Players A and B are hitting crosscourts . Player A hits two crosscourt shots deep then one short . Player B approaches the net ( he is the one receiving the short ball ). Player A can now practice a third shot drop or a drive . If Player A hits a drive , Player B can practice his drop volley . Create a drill that has more than one component . That keeps everyone concentrating and watching the ball .
5 . Down-the-Line Return
When and Why
Players work hard to perfect a deep return down the middle to prevent giving opponents an angle . Lower rated players often return crosscourt because it is an easier , safer shot . There are two situations that call for a down-the-line return from the forehand ( right ) side of the court . If the weaker opponent is in the backhand ( left ) court or if the opponent in the backhand court has a weak backhand , you may want to drive the ball down the line to that weaker player ’ s backhand . In mixed doubles , if the stronger player is in the backhand court , you may want to drive the ball down the line to trap him deep , otherwise he will race to the NVZ line and set up to poach . Keep him back as long as you can . How to Practice Player A practices serves while Player B returns down the line at a cone positioned in the backhand corner . If you have three players , the third player practices his third shot drop and comes into the net and you play out the point .
6 . Head-On Dinks
When and Why
Players practice dinking crosscourt and down the line . They work on sharp angles . Reaching for the ball gives angles and creates openings . And most players hit better shots when they reach for the ball rather than when they are jammed . If you are getting out-angled , you may want to try dinking right at your opponent . He won ’ t have much of a shot if you keep the ball low . He must think what to do when there is not an obvious angle . You may catch him off guard and he may be impatient when there is not a good shot available . How to Practice When you do your dink drills you need to go wide , down the middle , and head-on . Be capable of moving the ball around and giving your opponents a nothing ball . They then must create a strategic shot because there is not an obvious one .
7 . Lob Volley
When and Why
When your opponents are at the net and they are leaning forward waiting to pounce on a mishit or an attackable dink , it is time to loft a lob over the opponent ’ s backhand . This changes the rhythm , and it will make them wary of closing in tight to the NVZ line . Let them know you own this shot . When your opponent is dinking , he is hitting a soft , slow ball so you have time to choose when to lob . You want to get the opponent off the NVZ line and into a defensive position . How to Practice There are several fun dink drills . Warm up by playing a game using only the NVZ including the serve . Every ball must land inside the NVZ . Then the next game , play inside the NVZ until the sixth hit . It must be a lob . In the third game , play inside the NVZ until the sixth hit and anything goes . Mix it up . Make sure you don ’ t give away your intention to lob . Make your dink , your drive , and your lob all begin with the same preparation . Make sure you exaggerate your follow-through on the lob to keep control since you are standing in close to the net .
You can create your own purposeful shots and your own drills based on your competition . There is plenty of room for creativity in pickleball . Observe your opponents . See what they like to hit then don ’ t give it to them . If they like pace , slow it down and feed them marshmallows . If they crowd the net , lob them back off the net . Remove their comfort zone .
Have a reason for every shot you hit and know what response you will likely get in return . Purposeful play is more challenging , and it is the direction that better pickleball is heading . •
Alice Tym was ranked 13th in the world for tennis in the ‘ 60s . She ’ s been named USPTA Coach of the Year and is a USPTA Master Professional . As a 4.5 pickleball player , she won gold in Huntsman , NSGA Nationals , US Open , and USA Pickleball events around the country . Alice is an IPTPA member , SSIPA founding board member , Bainbridge Cup Originator and gold medalist in Spain , Italy , and Germany .