Pickleball Magazine 7-1 | Page 71

tournament software , also built by Frank , enables us to put on a professional tournament with real-time updates so players can see when they are playing next and track all the results . Player feedback has been fantastic . Finally , Frank has also developed a Weekly Sessions Planner used initially by Runnymede Royals and now by four other clubs to manage the member bookings for all the club weekly sessions . He recently celebrated his 70th birthday and shows no let-up in the amount of work that he does to help grow pickleball and to support his other passions .
• The halo effect of growth in the USA . We have benefited from the attention the American media has given pickleball over the past 12 months . The article in Vanity Fair resulted in a mention in the Sunday Times , one of our biggest newspapers in the UK with a print circulation of 650,000 and online reach of 1.83 million .
• A Pickleball Leaders Certification program was developed and piloted by Elaine Shallcross in the North
Frank Arico , National pbE Director
West with great success . The purpose of the training is to give pickleball leaders the basic skills and knowledge to have confidence to introduce the game to new players while learning in a safe and enjoyable environment . The training has now been rolled out to the whole country and more sessions will be set up this year . The feedback on the course has exceeded our expectations . Elaine is travelling the length and breadth of the country to deliver these courses while undergoing chemotherapy treatment for breast cancer . She also supported 17 new clubs in her region this year and established the NW Doubles League , with regular attendance filling five courts . Elaine ’ s enthusiasm for the sport is infectious and it hasn ’ t gone unnoticed . Hilary Marold nominated Elaine for the Pickleball Hall of Fame this year — the first nominee outside the U . S . While Elaine wasn ’ t selected as an inductee , we are all immensely proud that she was nominated and that her achievements were discussed by the PHOF Committee .
• Having a target . The goal of 25,000 members by 2025 is an ambitious target , especially since it was set pre-pandemic , but it ’ s a catalyst for our planning . We have a strategic plan that takes us to 2025 , and I want to thank James Chaudry for his work on developing that plan enabling publication to our members last summer . James has recently accepted an advisory position on our Board as we recognize that his talent and experience in the sporting world will help us as we continue to develop and grow .
Elaine Shallcross , NW Regional Director
• Accessibility of equipment . This is the biggest challenge for some countries , but we are fortunate to have UK Pickleball Shop , which supplies a wide range of pickleball products . It offers our members a £ 10 discount on club nets and recently estimated that approximately 300 players have taken advantage of this offer , and many players have joined pbE just to do so ! Mike and Jane of UK Pickleball Shop also played a major role in persuading David Lloyd Clubs ( premier gyms and fitness clubs across the UK ) to agree to pickleball being offered as an additional racquet sport in the clubs that have badminton courts . There are already around 15 David Lloyd clubs successfully offering pickleball with the support of County Reps and enthusiastic players .
As the saying goes , “ It takes a village to raise a child .” I can ’ t include the whole village in this article , but thank you to everyone who has done their part . •