Pickleball Magazine 6-6 WD | Page 27

Put-away , a . k . a . Winner – A shot with no chance of being returned .
Rally – Hitting the ball back and forth between opposing teams ; a long series of shots .
Ready Position – Ideal position to receive the ball for a return . The paddle is out in front of the player ’ s body and up at chest height with a neutral grip for either forehand or backhand return . Weight is evenly balanced to slightly on toes with knees slightly bent and ready to move in any direction .
Serve ( Service ) – An underhand stroke used to start the point and put the ball into play .
Server Number – When playing doubles , either “ 1 ” or “ 2 ,” depending on whether you are the first or second server for your side . This number is appended to the score when it is called .
Side Out – Declared after one side loses its service and the other side is awarded the serve .
Stacking – A technique or strategy used by some doubles teams to increase the number of times that players will have their forehand or backhand in the middle of the court . It is most often observed in teams that include both a right- and left-handed player . Players on a team are not in traditional positioning but instead rearranged in order to keep one player on a particular side of the court . Unlike traditional play , the stacking team will start on the same side and then once the serve or return is hit , they shift into the desired positioning . What makes stacking possible is the fact that there are no rules in pickleball that govern where a player must be on court , except when serving or hitting a return of serve .
Third Shot Drop – A drop shot usually done after the service return ( third shot ), allowing the serving team time to get to the non-volley zone line . These types of shots can also be successfully used to slow or “ reset ” the point .
Unforced Error – A player missing a shot that should normally be made . Volley – Hitting the ball before it bounces . •
Jennifer Lucore and Alex Hamner started playing pickleball in 2010 , and have competed in numerous tournaments across the U . S . Jennifer also competes internationally , and both ladies have been inducted into the Pickleball Hall of Fame . Jennifer and Alex have 26 national titles , but are best known for winning gold in Women ’ s Open Doubles at Nationals for four consecutive years ( 2011-2014 ). They live with their respective families in North San Diego County . For more pickleball fun , visit Jennifer ’ s blog at allpickleball . com .