health & nutrition
By Brandi Givens , RD
Foods That Build Court Strength
My new favorite thing about pro-division pickleball is watching the physicality of our sport grow . That powerful athletic edge that ekes out wins for both male and female athletes inspires me to gain strength at my own level .
While gaining muscle may not immediately appeal to everyone , research shows that strength training , also called resistance training , can contribute to major health benefits .
On the court , resistance training can contribute to :
• improved flexibility
• improved balance
• lower injury risk .
Off-court benefits include :
• better cardiovascular health
• better-controlled blood glucose
• lower abdominal fat
• osteoporosis prevention
• burning more calories , even during rest .
Resistance exercises include anything that helps you build strength by using resistance , with or without special equipment . This can be squats , lunges , pushups , use of resistance bands , dumbbells , or gym equipment . If you ’ ve never tried strength training before , it ’ s best to start with help from a physical therapist or certified personal trainer who can show you how to use weights and equipment safely .
How Can My Diet Support Resistance Training ?
Most of us think of protein first when it comes to building muscle . Our muscles are constantly breaking down and repairing themselves , especially with heavy exercise . The trick is figuring out how much we need for additional muscle synthesis on top of what we use for repair . Everyone ’ s body is different , but here ’ s a general guide of how much protein people need in a day .
Average Young Recreational Player . 9 grams protein / kg / day Example : 80kg person x . 9g = 72 grams of protein / day
Recreational Player Over Age 50 1.2 grams protein / kg / day Example : 80kg person x 1.2g = 96 grams of protein / day
Endurance Athlete ( playing several hours daily ) 1.2-1.7 grams protein / kg / day Example : 80kg person x 1.2g = 96 grams of protein / day
Resistance Exercise Days 1.6-1.7 grams or more protein / kg / day Example : 80kg person x 1.6g = 128 grams of protein / day