Pickleball Magazine 6-3 WD | Page 32



Get to the NVZ line as soon as possible ” is a strategy that pickleball players learn very quickly . Your objective is to take control , be king of the mountain , and be big up there . But not every shot you hit is a good approach shot , plain and simple . Reality can hurt . Literally ! The realization that defense is as important as offense in pickleball will improve your game . You need defensive shots as well as offensive ones . You must take away their winners before you can execute your own .

We can divide defensive situations by court position . You need to be able to play defensively from the baseline , no man ’ s land , and the NVZ line . When are defensive shots called for when you are at the baseline ? When you hit a weak serve , when you receive a tricky let serve , when you make a weak return , when you or your partner hit a short lob , when the ball is cracked , when you or your partner stumble or slip , when you are pulled way wide , when the fence is too close to the sideline ,
A simple reflex drill for two players is to have each player at the no volley zone line hitting rapid-fire , controlled volleys back and forth . Here Dr . Soheil Nandwani and Vic Vosen are exchanging backhand crosscourts . They can also work on forehand crosscourts from this position . The key is pace and control , staying low , weight on the balls of their feet , not hitting harder than they can control the placement of the ball . and when the court is slippery are all circumstances calling for defensive play . There may be more defensive situations , but the bottom line is that you are at the baseline and things are not looking good .
The first rule of thumb is to not hit the ball harder than you can cover the next shot . If , for example , you hit a weak serve and are pulled wide by the return , do not blast the ball while leaving a hole the size of Texas in the middle of the court . You are in a weak position even if you hit a great shot . You must restrain yourself and think defensively to stay in the point . Your forehand may be offensive , but your position is defensive .
If your opponent hits a great wide serve , do not get suckered into blasting the ball back and leaving a big hole in the center . Since your serving opponent cannot volley the ball , take some pace off of the ball , hit it deep to the center and get yourself into good position at the NVZ line . Resist the temptation to give your opponent pace with an opening to force you into a weak shot . It is “ cat and mouse ” until you have the placement shot .
Learn to hit a soft third shot drop from the baseline to give yourself time to move to the net . Learn to lob the ball into the backhand corner when you are pulled wide or deep so that you have time to move back to cover more court . Vary your defensive shots . Vary the pace and vary the placement .
“ A foolish consistency is the hobgoblin of little minds ,” according to Ralph Waldo Emerson . In pickleball , it allows the opponent not to have to think or to adjust . You need to prepare early , take your paddle back early , and stay down with the ball so that your opponent cannot read whether you are dropping , driving , or lobbing .
Step up your game fundamentals . Make your opponent think he has to overpower you so that maybe he will make a mistake himself . Always be moving to the ball so that in the opponent ’ s field of vision he sees movement and may overplay the shot .
Now , if you made a weak return and your partner is standing at the NVZ line “ with his hat in his hand ,” you both need to go into a defensive mode . Back to fundamentals . Get