Pickleball Magazine 6-3 WD | Page 24



’ d Like to Hear From You ! Send your questions to rules @ thepickleballmag . com .
By Bob Unetich


When can we expect a decision on the provisional “ drop serve ” rule ?
A special committee comprised of referees and a diverse group of players was recently formed to address this question . They will continue to collect data and information from a broad spectrum of players who use the drop serve and from those who receive serves from those who use the drop serve . That committee will make a recommendation on whether to continue with the rule as is , modify it , or remove it from the 2022 Rulebook . The final decision on the future of the drop serve will be made no later than December 1 of this year .


After a ball bounces , how much time does my partner or I have to make an “ out ” call , and does it matter if we have returned the ball successfully ?
According to Rule 6 . D . 8 , an “ out ” call must be made “ promptly .” Promptly is defined in that rule as calling “ out ” prior to the ball being hit by the opponent or before it becomes “ dead .” Those are the only two requirements that need to be met , so it does not matter if you have hit the ball after the “ out ” call .


I was watching a livestreamed pro gold medal match and I noticed there were two referees , one near each net post . I have not seen any mention of having two refs in the rulebook and I would like to know why this happens and what is the function of the second ref .
The 2021 USA Pickleball Officiating Handbook includes an Appendix C , which defines the role of the Second ( or Supporting ) Referee . It was originally intended for only pro matches with these three stated goals :
• To increase the accuracy of calls involving the NVZ and players crossing the plane of the net
• To support the Lead Referee in all aspects of the match
• To assure the accuracy of referee calls .
The concept was largely in a trial mode for most of 2020 but has proved a worthwhile enhancement to calling foot faults of the NVZ . While originally focused on the pro and senior pro matches , the tworeferee system may be used in other sanctioned matches with the prior permission of the USA Pickleball Director of Officiating .
A report on USA Pickleball new tournament requirements will be provided in the next issue !