The Pickleball Pyramid for Beginners
I bought a paddle . What do I do now ? In order 2 . Develop a smooth , even swing by practicing in front to have fun playing pickleball , you need to be of a mirror . consistent . Spraying balls all over the court is no 3 . Take lessons . fun for anyone , so you first need to learn to keep 4 . Use a ball machine properly . the ball in play . Next , you want to be able to aim the ball . 5 . Drill crosscourt and down the line , keeping your Playing is much more fun when you direct the ball so stroke smooth . that the other team or player is doing all the running ! 6 . Have someone video you and critique your form .
As you get a handle on aiming your shots , you can 7 . Have an eye exam . You can ’ t hit what you can ’ t see . pick up the pace so that your opponents have to run 8 . Work on extending your follow-through so that faster than you do . You , in turn , have more time to you complete 100 % of each stroke . hit the ball since they are scrambling . Once you get 9 . Give 100 % in each practice . Develop the skill some consistency and accuracy with your pace , you of effort . can change the pace of different shots so that you are 10 . Bend your knees . They will help you control the not so predictable . You don ’ t want your opponents height of the ball and the pace . to get in a groove . Changing the pace lends itself to deception . Prepare and look the same , but redirect the
ACCURACY ball . Go down the line instead of the crosscourt they are 1 . Use targets . anticipating . 2 . Practice by dropping balls out of your hand so that
Now you have some tools in your toolbox . Don ’ t just you learn to hit early for crosscourts and later for use the ruler . Put some strategy into your play . Plan the down-the-lines . point and execute it . 3 . Chalk targets on the hitting wall .
How do you achieve each block of the pyramid ?
4 . Put a tacky overgrip on your handle so that you hold the paddle the same way every time .
1 . Practice hitting against a wall .