Pickleball Magazine 6-1 | Page 24



’ d Like to Hear From You ! Send your questions to rules @ thepickleballmag . com .
By Bob Unetich

Playing by the Rules

USA Pickleball revises the

rules of pickleball every year . Each year , players and referees suggest rule changes and the USA Pickleball Rules Committee seeks ways to make the game as fair as it can be . They also try to minimize disputes between players and between players and officials by modifying the rules for the next year .
You have probably heard that there are about 125 rule changes that took effect in January of this year ! Perhaps you have even downloaded the rules change document or the new Rulebook . If you have , I am proud of you , but you may still be uncertain of the impact of the changes for your game , so here are some observations I would like to share with you .
There are only a few rules changes that impact rec play and it is worth noting that most pickleball play is recreational play !
If you are usually not playing in tournaments , there are still at least three changes in the rules that will be important to you : the elimination of the “ service let ,” the allowance of the “ drop serve ” made by any player , and new instructions about making line calls .
The Elimination of the Service Let ( Rule 4 . O )
A served ball that hits the net cord but goes over the net and lands in the correct service court remains in play . It is as simple as that . This change eliminates an interruption in play action , and it helps to avoid disputes about the correctness of a “ let ” call by a player .
The Drop Serve ( Rule 4 . A . 10 )
The drop serve is a change that should make our sport even more inclusive . Bouncing the ball before you hit your serve has long been allowed for those with identified disabilities but why stop with identified disabilities ? A very young or a very senior player may also need help making a successful serve and there are those of any age who may , from time to time , benefit from having the option of bouncing the ball before it is hit for a serve . Note that this change requires a “ drop ” of the ball , not a toss , and there are other requirements . The important point is that this is now an option for all players .
An interesting aspect of the drop serve rule is that it is “ provisional ,” meaning it could change again during 2021 . My view is that it is meant to accommodate players who need assistance getting a serve in play and it is not intended to allow innovative players a means of devising a more effective serve .
Making Line Calls Under Rule 6 . D . 1
It is made clearer in the new rules that a player must be certain before calling “ Out .” The best way to be certain is to see space under the ball between the ball and a line . In reality , this is not so much a change as a clarification of the previous rules about making line calls .
The Impact of Making Any Change to the Rulebook
Even a fairly simple change , like eliminating the service let , requires a fair amount of rule editing . Most rule changes have an impact on multiple rule numbers .
Some changes in 2021 will impact tournament play , while others help the Rulebook focus on rules that players and officials can apply on the day of play . For instance , rules about paddles and balls that impact USA Pickleball equipment approvals , like the weight of a ball , can be managed better by USA Pickleball and the IFP in other places , so these rules have been removed from the Rulebook . Quite a few of the changes are related to the timing of certain fault rules . Instead of referring to “ the start of calling the score ” or “ the start of the service motion ,” timing has been moved to a more uniform and easily identified point in time , which is “ the serve of the ball .” This change in timing impacts numerous rules in Section 4 of the Rulebook .
The timing changes will hopefully reduce the disputes that happen because of judgment decisions made by referees . My suggestion is that you read these timing change rules