INSTRUCTION By Lee Whitwell and Dorian Adam
The Importance of the Dynamic Warmup Want a leg up over your opponents ?
Here ’ s how to do it . The warmup should be the first component of any sports performance training program . It ’ s imperative to have an effective dynamic , or active , warmup . This will boost body temperature , increase blood flow to the active muscles , activate muscle groups , stimulate the nervous system , and enhance joint mobility . Performing a dynamic warmup correctly prepares the body for competition , training or practice , while at the same time helping to decrease the potential for injury .
Competitive and professional athletes will warm up and cool down every time they play because it is part of their ingrained , trusted and proven routine . They know the importance of an effective dynamic warmup so they will always make it a priority before beginning any training , practice or competition . Unfortunately , for the amateur athlete , this tends to be the first ( or second thing if you count the cooldown ) that gets overlooked . We justify not warming up correctly by saying , “ I ’ m running late ,” “ I don ’ t want to keep people waiting for me ,” “ It ’ s just a rec game ,” “ I ’ ll warm up as the game goes along ,” “ I ’ ll use the first game as a warmup ,” “ It ’ s just for fun ”— Do any of these sound familiar ?
No matter who we are playing against , whether it ’ s a rec game , competition , or training , we need to first prepare our body to move effectively so we can play longer , harder and , at the same time , help reduce the risk of injury . The warmer the temperature the easier a time we have “ warming up ”; the colder the temperature the harder time the body has — so why not give it a helping hand ? Besides , it ’ s the only one we ’ ve got .
These are the benefits of a dynamic warmup :
1 - A warm body allows for increased range of motion , allowing the body mechanics to move effectively and exert force through movement .
2 - Increased blood flow and oxygen to the muscles aid in enhancing performance by increasing aerobic energy production for prolonged activity .
3 - Your performance is improved through warmup because using functional movements can increase the rate at which you learn skills and help accelerate the rate of training .
Arm scoops with hamstring stretch
4 - Lowering the resistance in the muscles , tendons and ligaments results in an increased range of motion and also helps decrease muscle and joint stiffness .
Examples of exercises you can include in your dynamic warmup are :
( Perform each exercise for 15-20 seconds .)
1 – March or jog in place This starts the body moving , increasing blood flow and oxygen throughout the body — essentially waking the body up .
2 – Squats
Squats are extremely effective at activating the big muscle groups in the lower body . Quadriceps and hamstrings are activated and the glutes start firing . Shift hips back . Knees track out over feet , but not past toes . Keep the majority of your body weight in your heels .
3 – Arm scoops with hamstring stretch
Stick out your foot with toes flexed up . Shift hips back . Circle opposite arm up to the sky and around , stretching down toward the flexed foot . Circle 4-5 times then switch foot and arm to other side . This exercise works on shoulder mobility and flexibility as well as actively lengthening the hamstring for play .
4 – Chest openers
These activate both chest and back muscles . Cross arms in front , then swing to the back , squeezing shoulder blades together .
5 – Lunge with rotation
Lunges engage the glutes , hamstrings and quadriceps . By adding the upper body rotation ( rotating toward the front leg ), flexibility as well as core activation and ankle stabilization come into play . •
EMBARK FITNESS Lee Whitwell PPR Pro and Clinician , PTR Pro and Clinician , Director of Pickleball , Widgi Creek , Director of Tennis , Athletic Club of Bend , Escape Fitness Instructor Dorian Adam TRX Master Instructor , TRX Cardio Tennis Master Instructor , Cardio Tennis Master Instructor