Pickleball Magazine 6-1 | Page 46

The tournament will take place April 7-11 in Holly Hill , Florida , at Pictona , a new , state-of-the-art $ 6 million facility .

The Bainbridge Cup Tournament Event Coming to the USA !

The tournament will take place April 7-11 in Holly Hill , Florida , at Pictona , a new , state-of-the-art $ 6 million facility .

By Pat Murphy

The International Federation

of Pickleball ( IFP ) Bainbridge Cup is the premier international pickleball tournament event in the world and was first played in 2017 in Madrid , Spain , with 300 players from 18 countries . In 2018 , the event was held in Italy , and in 2019 in Germany . It was scheduled for England in 2020 with 800 players registered , but had to be canceled due to the pandemic .
This year ’ s tournament is April 7-11 in Holly Hill , Florida , at Pictona , a new , state-of-theart $ 6 million facility . The Bainbridge Cup is more than a pickleball tournament — it ’ s an event that brings passionate pickleball players from all over the world . The exciting , fun-filled event will kick off with an opening night celebration on April 6 , followed by five full days of competitive tournament play with help from team captains , coaches and much more .
The last day will conclude with top players competing for the Bainbridge Cup trophy and bragging rights for the year . Closing night includes a celebration dinner , awards , and the presentation of the trophy to the winning team . The tournament is open to all skill levels , from novice to pro , yet all players compete on behalf of their teams .
In previous years , the teams were Europe vs . North America . This year will be structured differently due to travel restrictions . The global format will be East vs . West , with the dividing line in the middle of the United States .
There are many players competing from Asia for Team West and players from Europe competing for Team East .
In past years , players were selected to be Team Captains for their respective team . This year , we will continue the tradition , but we ’ re adding some new twists to the Team Captain ’ s role . You will have to attend to find out more ! With the excitement around the Bainbridge Cup Tournament , it ’ s only fitting to have it livestreamed and available for viewing around the world . This year ’ s event has brought together a production and announcers team that will set a new standard for your viewing pleasure of pickleball matches .
The IFP looks forward making new friends and seeing many new faces at the 2021 Bainbridge Cup Tournament Event . Please visit pickleballtournaments . com for registration and additional information . See you at the 2021 Bainbridge Cup ! •
Pat Murphy , President of the International Federation of Pickleball ( IFP ), is Tournament Director for the Bainbridge Cup as well as a USA Pickleball Ambassador , Certified Referee , PPR Certified Instructor , IFP Certified Instructor and IFP World Ambassador . He lives in Goodyear , AZ , where he ’ s a member ( and former President and VP ) of the Pebblecreek Pickleball Club .